Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mozilla Open Badges

We will be announcing our plans for Mozilla Open Badges (OBI) shortly.  We were finalists in the Digital Media and Learning competition this spring and are very excited about this movement.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Partial Farewell To Flash

For years, to my occasional annoyance, I always ended up the Flash guy even though I'm not a graphic designer or even a front end designer.  It was much simpler than that, I just could never get anyone else to be the Flash guy.

Actionscript is an interesting mix of typed and untyped programming, I found this model quite useful.  In conjunction with Flash Media Server, we've been able to make a fairly secure badge representing one's credential on our first go round with SIGKAT.

But Flash has clearly hit its high water mark - the much publicized omission of Flash on iphones, the emergence of HTML 5 are a few indicators, obviously.

So we will be moving on with a non-Flash implementation of our badging components.  Until, and perhaps even after, we are satisfied with our non-Flash approach, we will continue to provide the Flash based badges.